Mattermost Shows 404 Page Not Found After Restart
Lastmod: 2025-01-21
Published: 2022-10-09

Before upgrading Mattermost, I restarted Mattermost and encountered a 404 Page Not Found issue. Here’s a note on the troubleshooting steps.


When accessing http://<mattermost-server>/, a 404 Page Not Found error is displayed.


I use nginx for caching in front of Mattermost, and I disabled gzip compression in nginx.

However, I mistakenly set the WebserverMode to “disabled” instead of “uncompressed,” causing the web server to be disabled.

The issue did not appear immediately after changing the setting; it only occurred after restarting Mattermost, making it difficult to identify the cause.


  • Edit config/config.json
-        "WebserverMode": "disabled",
+        "WebserverMode": "uncompressed",
  • Restart Mattermost
$ sudo systemctl restart mattermost