NEC UNIVERGE IX 2010 Super Reset
What is a Super Reset? A super reset is a method to forcibly reset the router to its initial state, used when you forget the login password, for example.
Reset Procedure Prepare for the reset.
Connect a serial cable to the CONSOLE port and prepare to log in via serial connection.
Turn off the power and toggle the dip switch.
Ensure the BUSY lamp is not blinking, then turn off the power switch next to the power cable to shut down the router.
2009-10-20About This Site
About This Site This blog is a personal blog written by masa23 as a personal memo.
As I write casually every day, please do not have high expectations for the content.
The articles are translated using ChatGPT based on the original Japanese text.
Contact X (Twitter): @yamamasa23 GitHub: masa23 Mail: masa(at)
1970-01-01Hello World!
投稿テスト 投稿テスト2 投稿テスト3 #include<stdio.h> int main() { printf("%s\n", "Hello World!"); return 0; } #!/bin/sh echo "Hello World!" package main func main() { fmt.Println("Hello World") } test test2